Sunday, 24 August 2014

Sunday 24th August....wall to wall sunshine

Sunday evening and feeling chilled... decided to have my own "Twinwood music festival on the terrace"  dancing between posts... my own personal show ...

Well the weather continues to be fabulous ... almost too hot... but at least I can keep the tan going..

Laura has been and gone.. great to see her, trouble was I still had to work and to anyone who knows me well I don't do slacking on work well...

but here is a taste of the things we did..#

Lots of beach visits and sightseeing..
but a little quieter... Bliss

 Sunset jeep safari.  Mad drive across the countryside, watch the sunset over the sea.. really good fun, great to see Laura smiling and laughing...

Our Favourite past time eating and more many wonderful restaurants to choose from.. 

And of course drinking the local sangria... best drink in Sonbou.. ( still no discount tight ....)

Party time watching the holiday makers " dad dancing " to the "Drifters" all good fun...

 This is the local Fiesta ... there is one nearly every week end.. The Spanish just love any excuse to party... they  have these strange huge tall people to entertain the crowds followed by the black horses charging down  the streets and standing on their high legs... ( which I have yet to see but planned for next weekend.)  Dance party starts after fireworks at midnight so need to do this on a non work day...

Sunday, 3 August 2014

August 2014. yeah we have wifi....

Yess. the arrival of my daughter and now I have internet again...

so an update for the month of July...

The weather has suddenly got hot hot hot. so I have made a list of all the beaches on the island and I am busy working my way through them..  In June the beaches looked this this now they are packed, no parking spaces, no spare sand... The best time on the beach is 5-7pm perfect....

Work has been pretty full on but we are finally beginning to get to grips with it. Should I chose to do this again next year I will soo good at it but for the moment it is still a steep learning curve.. I just start to think I am getting it sussed and then the next new situation arrives..  I have leant so much about people and their expectations of their holidays...

The fall out of employees from the industry is really surprising, a continuous stream of boys and girls leaving the island, for various different reasons.. including my Cosmos mate and my Saga mate so really miss them for my social.

Talking of social still enjoying my line dance classes. Last week class was outside in the village square which was surreal...

Now is fiesta time still not found time to visit one but our local village has one next week so in

training for that, will be a late late night...

Off to enjoy my daughter.. lots of trips planned...