Tuesday, 18 March 2014

18th March 2014... Preparing to depart for the summer in the sun...

This a blog to enable me to keep in touch with all my friends and family............ As my good friends will confirm I am not "the best at keeping in touch" so this way I can communicate at leisure and hopefully I will hear from you all, with the news and gossip, at your convenience.......and hopefully I will see some of you for a visit to the sunshine isle of Menorca....

Today this adventure is beginning to sink in as the letting agency has brought a tenant around to view the flat....What can I say..

I love my flat especially the wonderful regency lounge complete with Chrystal Chandelier's....but  I must take off the rose tinted specs and remind myself of the times I have driven around the square trying to find somewhere to park... and the two parking tickets we have had..

Also the very noisy neighbours that seem to have arrived recently, the distinctive smell of "smoking" wafts in thro the bathroom ventilator especially on a Friday night....party night....

AND its taken me nearly six months to get a "hot" bath....so when I get nostalgic for my lovely sunny room remind me that all was as perfect as I may begin to remember it......

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